Blaming Hindus For Their Own Genocide

An Animadversion.

8 min readNov 15, 2021
Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash

The Washington Post and its kinfolk blamed Hindus for their own genocide that is going on in India’s neighbourhood, Bangladesh & Pakistan. Astounding, if you are new to their sphere, usual, if you are accustomed to Western whitewashing of "third-world problems".

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Hasina’s administration has fluctuated in its endeavours to control Islamist Terrorism. The Bangladeshi government’s history doesn’t offer a lot of results in the wake of the new savagery against Hindus. At the point when the centre-right Bangladesh Nationalist Party controlled government in a collusion with the Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islamic party from 2001 to 2006, the public authority was broadly considered to be unsympathetic to ethnic and Hindu minorities. (The High Court prohibited Jamaat-e-Islamic in 2013.) Despite its mainstream esteems, that they guarantee passionately however doings are in any case, the Awami League party has not exhibited any incredible obligation to securing the Hindus and different minorities of Islamic Republic of Bangladesh. Notwithstanding a couple of constituencies, none of the major parties relies on minority constituencies, not even the alleged mainstream ones with differing qualifications. After a progression of disdain assaults against Hindus in 2016, the then Hasina government cracked down, prompting mass arrests. That very year, an Islamist assault in a Dhaka pastry kitchen killed 24 individuals, including 17 unfamiliar residents; seven terrorists, individuals from a JMB splinter group, were sentenced to death for their association. In those cases, awful worldwide exposure probably impacted the public authority’s activities. In any case, this time Hasina doesn’t have any or minimal convincing justification behind another huge scope crackdown on Muslim fanatics, aside from dread of offending Hindus in India.

As revealed in past, Bangladeshi police has captured the culprit and instigator who actuated brutality against the Hindu minority of Bangladesh, through counterfeit/fake web-based media posts and disdain discourse. Pinning Hindus for executing savagery on themselves, which appears to be ludicrous to hear, and cold-hearted no doubt, isn’t the ideal way for killing radicalism from the general public, particularly Islamic culture. The key suspect and his associate blamed for fanning public contempt via web-based media and inducing hateful violence against the minority Hindu group in Bangladesh have admitted to their wrongdoing in a pre-preliminary hearing. Shaukat Mandal admitted before an officer that it was his Facebook post that drove on the brutality in Rangpur, Pirganj sub-locale on October 17 during Durga Puja merriments in the country. Islam assisted Mandal with inciting Muslims in the town through declarations on the amplifier/loudspeakers, after Friday prayers. Police authorities guaranteed that the savagery was induced after talk started doing the rounds in Pirganj that a Hindu man had posted strictly hostile substance on Facebook. As indicated by the police, around 70 Hindu homes were burnt during the commotion that followed on October 17. In any case, huge number of a lot more disdain assaults & attacks that occurred in Bangladesh since its Independence, this isn’t the principal example of collective savagery in Muslim-majority Bangladesh. Since 2013, something like 3,600 such assaults have occurred in Bangladesh, according to Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK), a Bangladeshi common freedoms association. Hindus make up 8.5 percent of Bangladesh’s 170 million populace, while Muslims represent 90%. As indicated by government data, the Hindu populace remained at 13.5 percent during the 1980s. They reportedly accounted for around 30% of the populace at the hour of Partition in 1947. As indicated by data-based assertions, a Dhaka-based professor said Hindus may be exterminated from Bangladesh within 30 years. Assuming Hindus don’t get monetary, social, and lawful executive support, the affirmations may work out as expected without a doubt.

Alongside many decimations driven assaults against Hindus in Bangladesh, the Bangladeshi PM didn’t stop to astound the Hindus when she attested that Hindus of Bangladesh are confronting demise and annihilation of Hindus since Muslims in India are being defamed unendingly by the ruling government. Ludicrous and preposterous without a doubt. The Bangladeshi Prime Minister has hinted that shared savagery in India was affecting Bangladesh. “India helped us in the freedom battle (of 1971) and we will remain ever thankful for the help… But they (India) must know that such occurrences ought not happen there which would affect Bangladesh, and the Hindus in our nation will endure.”

Hindus of Bangladesh, who aren’t astounded at the reaction by the public authority and law enforcement authority, against decimation driven Islamist assaults, aren’t content with India as well. India, as far as anyone knows, a secular, vote based republic, rather than getting in chats with their Bangladeshi partners, lauded the reaction by the Bangladeshi government. In the event that inadequacy and impotency had a human face, that would be the Indian government.

There are many problems which are sprouting out of the Hindu wall too, but liberals assuredly want us to believe something otherwise, that the problem lies with the Hindus, only the majority community, alone. Journalist Manu Joseph has beautifully presented in one of his pieces on why a community under attack can’t tell their stories with as much vigour as much the minorities, the oppressed, tell the whole world with, just because they, the disenfranchised majority, rule the democratic order of their state.

There are three broad reasons why the Hindu camp has been unable to tell its side. The fact is that nobody cares. People think that stories are powerful because everybody cares about these. This is wrong. The truth is that nobody cares for your story or for you. What matters to people is themselves. They are always searching for themselves or their beliefs and prejudices in a story. Sanders or AOC might see in the riots what they wish to see—a majority oppressing a minority. “Hindus and Muslims equally to blame" is not a story, not even a retweetable tweet. We often think a misunderstanding is due to lack of understanding. But often, people misunderstand because it is more interesting and suits them at that point in time. Empathy itself is a medium of misunderstanding, not understanding. The world has extolled “empathy" as the most human of all human qualities, but it is a process of self-absorption. It is this force that made some Muslim nations condemn India for the riots. The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, said: “The hearts of Muslims all over the world are grieving over the massacre of Muslims in India." He may never give work visas to low-skilled Indian Muslims, but his heart will beat for them, just as the hearts of Indian Hindus beat for Pakistani Hindus, as though Indian Hindus treat one another with so much love they now need foreigners to love.


You cannot beat liberals in storytelling. The response of hurt Hindus to their global defamation has chiefly been lament. But it is in the nature of storytelling that the strong tell bad stories. A majority population, or the victors of an era, cannot transmit powerful stories of their suffering. A defining quality of our times is that the strong are trying to imitate the ways of the oppressed to tell their stories. Brahmins, Caucasians, Israelis, and men have all tried. But it does not work. Considering the nature of storytelling, there is no way a majority can tell their side. One way to ensure that they are not defamed in the future, though, is to ensure that there are no riots in India.

The Wire news portal addressed Govindan Chandra Pramanik, a Dhaka-based activist and Hindu pioneer who fills in as the secretary general of Bangladesh Jatiyo Hindu Mahajote, to find out with regards to assaults on Bangladesh’s Hindu minority.

They inquired, “What was the job of the police and the common organization?”

Pramanik replied, “They played no part by any means! Consistently, the public authority deputes police officers for the security of Durga puja pandals. Be that as it may, no such power arrangement has happened for this present year and the police have just paid visits periodically. All puja pandals had a run-down quantities of cops and judges showed in the general population for reaching on account of a crisis. Individuals called these numbers over and over yet got no assistance. The police kept tarrying utilizing different reasons. The defacing began at around 10 am on October 13 and the police entered the scene solely after 4 pm. At that point, the said pandal as well as various sanctuaries in the close by regions had gone under assault. What’s more awful is that, without a trace of the police, when some nearby inhabitants, including Hindus and Muslims, attempted to set up an obstruction against the defacing, the police on their appearance beat up these very individuals rather than the rioters.”

Reprimanding Jews for the Holocaust. Blaming Native Americans for the early American genocide. Incriminating Armenians for the Armenian genocide. Blaming China for the Rape of Nanjing. These all assertions would assuredly entice mass clamour & repugnance from the whole world, unlike blaming Hindus for their own genocide, that one is easy, & pretty dreary too, and, at that also, a pretty common practice in the whole Imperialist–Neo-colonialist kinfolk. Nowadays, you don’t need a British appointed Munshi or a Mughal appointed Lala who does all the extermination work on behalf of the Crown, just some tiny few factions of the Journalistic–Intellectual empyrean, who need not ask the Crown for things they ought to do to their subjects, the Hindus, but just the usual things The Washington Post, NYT, & The BBC has put in the Sepoy guidebook. All these rooster employees of the Empire correspond with the domestic stem of Imperial appointees who are assigned the work of bringing the subjects to renaissance, through “Integration & Manufactured Instability”. Integration to the liberal democratic order, & destabilizing the pagan order. It’s not hard to do so when the pagan elites & nobles are bargained, through better “arrangements”. For the imperialists, polytheism, paganism, & the whole brown pantheon, are just paraphernalia to manufacture discontent, disaffection, and disdain against the subject’s own faith & tribe. For the subject, their faith, tribe & language is a path to their godhead, if not godhead then the nature & environment they live in, if not that then indubitably it’s the soul the subject consists of. Hindus around India & abroad worship Durga not just because it provides potency & reason to them, but gratefulness too which comes along with remembering all the hardships their tribesmen went through, since decades. Destroying Durga Puja pandals is akin to destroying the Upanishadic thoughts, the subjects are bolstered by the goddess’s ecstatic face & the rituals they perform to her. The aftermath of destruction of Durga Puja pandals usually transition into a full gusted genocide of Hindus, which is foreseeable through initial iconoclasm & xenophobic push, and these ideas are totally fostered by liberal enablers. Nothing could be more harrowing than witnessing your entire race getting annihilated, only if enablers were stopped there & then.

