American Establishment Has Killed Whatever Was Left In Afghanistan
The steady death of Afghanistan
United States of America have an 'Intervention’ problem, and it’s not about their people’s safety and security or even anything about their 'War on Terror' but its showcase of strength, its madness when it comes to eradicating any sort of 'extremism’; but to keenly observe rising global superpowers, in the 20th century it was the Soviet Union, after the 1989 withdrawal of Soviet troops, now it’s to keep a watch on India & China through armed militias funded and nurtured by the American empire, doesn’t matter if those militias are killing America’s own soldiers, it’s more important that the enemies are having adequate trouble (ofcourse India & China), having bases in Afghanistan also helps America to be ever ready for anything happening around the South Asian region. But for how long can a superpower project itself as a hegemonic bully? Ofcourse the money, and manpower was running out rapidly, but most importantly, on top of that, Americans were fed up of their soldiers dying a sad death in far-away lands, and billions being spent on 'War on Terror’, meanwhile they themselves being starved for food, and not given a proper healthcare. People, as they say, were utterly furious, that’s why they had voted for Trump, who promised to bring back the American troops from abroad; both the factions, America first conservatives, and far left revolutionaries, are happy for the prevailing situation. Well, not so quick. Afghanistan is dying a slow death, and America is to be blamed.
The signs of chaos and actual terror are already on the streets of Afghanistan, people are desperately trying to save their loved ones, and themselves too, till there is time for it. This wasn't the case even during the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, when there was still adequate time for the incumbent Najibullah government to fight off the Taliban, even after Soviet withdrawal, the government was fighting for at least straight three years, and then it fell, but this time, it's utter, palpable, danger on the ground, Taliban claims it has recovered their lost lands, and now controls 85% of Afghanistan. Unlike 1989, when Soviets were still funding the Afghan government, this time the government won’t be getting much support from the Americans, the 'mujahideens' are entering Kabul really quickly, and America is leaving everyone behind.
The Afghan National Army is already defeated in much of the districts, the constant defeats, losses, reversals, and overthrows are really hampering the morale of the troops, the Americans are reassessing the situation, and it doesn't look good. The ANA won't be able to support the government for long, they are holding the Taliban, but estimates say the government in Kabul will fall within six months, instead of the past estimates of 2 to 3 years. And that's not looking good at all, specifically when we talk about women & children. Taliban is already striking them with their medieval, archaic, & misogynistic laws. Women are back to being second class citizens, being restricted to confinement of homes and being flogged in public for petty things. Recently, the Taliban had asked for a list which should have all the details about girls (women) between 15 years to 45 years, who are unmarried, so that they can be married off later to the Taliban fighters. The situation is getting terrible day after day, when Americans are witnessing their billionaires flying off into the space through their multimillion private rockets, there are actual, lethal, rockets being fired from the Taliban projected at the civilian population who are helping the Afghan National Army to fight off the terrorists. Because America chose to leave.
A day, or two, ago, I saw some reports about Afghans abroad being afraid, and fearful about their families back home, in local Indian Express newspaper, one refugee family from New Delhi said they are constantly trying to connect with their family back in Afghanistan, but intelligence reports say their whole village has been taken over by the Taliban. America didn't only throw the Afghan National Army under the bus, but also threw their informants behind, only to rescue them later, to project themselves as arbiters of human rights; as can be seen all around the world, you know about it already, doesn't need much introduction.
Most of Afghanistan which was safe from the advancement of Taliban in 1990s, for instance the North & Western parts, and Mazar-i-Sharif, are now taken over by Afghanistan, the Taliban strongholds of South & East had already crumbled like a house of cards, but the doom & gloom are increasing heavily this time; already ready to explode. Some experts say this advancement hasn't happened suddenly, but had been constantly happening since 2014, when Taliban approached towards the Northern provinces, this was a strategy well thought out by the Taliban beforehand, when it determined not to repeat 1989, when it left the Northern & Western part for last sessions, and went East towards Kabul. It has been seen that the government soldiers from ANA have fled across borders to Tajikistan, from Badakhshan and Takhar provinces, since the advent of Taliban towards North, they aren't cowards or didn't even lose the firefights, but they are just afraid to be the last men dying in a lost war already decided by the Americans to be theirs.
The mujahideen groups which are now the Taliban, has been learning a lot from their past. First, they have spent 10 years fighting the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, then 7 years fighting the local regime, and rival mujahideen groups or tribals, then they finally came to power for 5 years before fighting the Americans for 20 years straight, which obviously has given them a strong understanding of warfare & war brutality.
Taliban has started killing people indiscriminately; which is the brutal truth about this murderous organization; they are shooting everyone; minorities, Hazaras, informants, and even interpreters who helped them during the American invasion. They are heavily cracking down on Hazaras who are the ones excelling at education, & progressive traditions, totally polar of Taliban, and that's making them a soft target, not being able to defend themselves, they are turning to Western countries, and West have a moral and humanitarian responsibility to take them in, as rejecting would be rejecting their right to life & pursuit of happiness. Something similar is the case with Dharmic minorities of Afghanistan, they are being killed, maimed, raped & being converted to Islam forcefully, India and other Western countries have a responsibility to take them in, especially India; as a religiously harmonious society, and the homeland of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, & Buddhists, it's India's duty to take care of its own people who were once disenfranchised, and now are stateless, India is obliged to take them in, no matter how.
A report from The Guardian says: "The Taliban, despite their public commitment to ending 'the killing and maiming', are accused of war crimes. In the cities they have been linked to targeted assassinations; in Obe, locals say they have used families as human shields. During the battle for the district centre, women and children were ordered to leave at least one house, the Taliban were using it as a base for operations for several days. They believe the family were made to serve as insurance against airstrikes by government forces or American drones."
The Americans had came with a promise to leave Afghanistan with prosperity, with no terror, with a stable government & with everything they had before the Soviets arrived, but they gave Afghanistan what was never agreed upon; terrorism for incessant years, bloodbath of their own countrymen, war crimes which were never accounted for, children & women being bombed indiscriminately, and an American dream which never went back, the dream that people of Afghanistan will have their houses intact, and their lives not being weighed in as similar to some guinea pig. Everything was a lie, world order has not been changed as deemed by some, but it has turned into a concrete structure which house the Americans on top, again, and the savages from East at the bottom, as expected.
The withdrawal will do nothing to the prevailing world order, or American Hegemony, the withdrawal, instead, has started its showcase of terror against the people of Afghanistan, its women, & the neighborhood around Afghanistan, America got what it wanted, overthrow of India as an emerging superpower, as Taliban will meet them at their Crown, at Kashmir, with Pakistan as its usual guest.